Monday, January 19, 2009


For my last semester I want to explore 2 things:

1. Type
2. Concept

Develop a type face.
2 to 3 weights with italic for each weight
U & L case
Custom glyph set
create specimen book at end of project
Experimental type project
Details Tba

Concept book
with concept as my concept, create a booklet dissecting what concept really means to me as a designer. Also as a viewer/spectator in the visual realm. It would operate as a sort of guide through my thinking and as a tool for conceptual thinking.
Concept/Nonconcept project
Develop 2 projects based on the findings in the book. This would operate as a test of theories in the book.

This is it. Any comments or crits are welcomed, please.

1 comment:

............................ said...

good start.

how 'bout some swipe (your work) showing possible stylist approaches?

don't have to stick to it.

just show off a bit.

